This year we had a lot of Halloween fun. On Monday for FHE we carved pumpkins. They didn't turn out great but I guess what do you expect when you have to little ones thinking they need to do everything. On Friday the elementary school had a carnival so we took the kids to that. They were kind of small for the games but still enjoyed it somewhat. After the carnival they had a little trunk-or- treat but the kids were pretty tired by then so they were not too enthused about it until we got home and they realized they had candy. On Saturday we headed over to Bunkerville to trunk-or-treat with Papa and Grandma Schaefermeyer. Since it was the second round for Kaden and Maddie they both were pretty excited. They got way to much candy, at the end neither one of them could hold their baskets. (Not a good thing...I don't need it around here) . I do have to say that they were the Cutest little Fireman and Ladybug that I have ever seen!! Halloween was fun!
So cute Rach!!
Super cute costumes!! Glad it was a good holiday.
What do you mean you didn't get a cute picture? I think they both looked so cute.
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