Thursday, April 15, 2010


About 3 months ago I started the dreadful potty training with Kaden. We had a big potty party and did all the charts and prizes.For the first 2 weeks he did pretty good. He would go pee almost every time with no accidents but poop was another story he would not go at all. Then we would go somewhere for the day and taking Kaden potty every half hour wasn't top priority so he decided that he was not interested nor did he care about going potty like a big boy at all. We have had a few good days but for the most part he has protested every step of the way. This whole process has been a absolute nightmare. He will even go sometimes for 2-3 days without a bowel movement and then he cries until he goes because his tummy hurts. I don't know what to do....I have tried being so nice when he has so call "accidents" but after 6 wet and 2 poopy pairs of underwear in one day my patience is shot and I turn into a not so nice mom. Advice please I am ready to give up completely. This is by far the hardest thing I have ever done.


Barb said...

I seriously have no idea...I hear boys are way harder than girls to train. And potty training is by far my least favorite thing ever. It is so hard.

Two things I've heard that work for boys...

1 - "shooting" cheerios in the toilet, aim and fire.

2 - use food coloring to turn the water red, then when he pees it will turn orange. Or blue, then it will turn green. Makes it more fun.

Let him help put the food coloring and cheerios in. Good luck! Let me know if either of those tricks work.

Ali said...

The book that saved me in potty training Valerie was the Potty Bootcamp. I checked it out from the library and it was the shortest easiest book I ever read. I think I read it in a day and a half.

Val would throw HUGE fits and would not let me take her potty. The book said to get a potty watch, it goes off every 30, 60, or 90 minutes. When the watch goes off it is time to go potty. With the watch Val was excited to go and would dance off to the potty all by herself. So if you don't read the book atleast try the watch it saved me!!

Dallas and Shelby Scoffield said...

Potty training boys is horrid. And don't expect it to be over in a few days or even weeks. It took Wyatt months to get to the point when I didn't think twice about whether I needed to remind him to go to the potty. The poop thing- every kid is weird and different about it. It took Livvy almost 6 weeks of being pee-trained and she would still poop her pants. Finally she did it one day- she made me leave the room- shut the door and she wrapped the shower curtain around herself before she would go- Embarrassed or something? Just know that you're not alone- we all hate it. And don't set your expectations too high- it will take a long time. The watch thing worked great for Livvy too!

Afton's Blogs said...


stephanie said...

i had to try 3 different times with mason. i finally went and bought a little potty cuz i thought maybe he was afraid of the big one. he started using it and then i let him pick out a toy and i set it on top of the fridge and gave it to him after he pooped in the potty cuz he had a hard time with that too. but he finally caught on and he's done great. he really wanted a fish so i told him he could have one when he started wearing big boy undies all the time. and he has a fish in his room now.... good luck - maybe take a break and try again this summer???

The Bundy Family said...

Potty training is frustrating. But I truly believe that when they are ready it will just all fall into place and happen smoothly. I tried and tried with Bowen and finally at 3 yrs. and 3 months it just happened over night, well 2 days....everything, no accidents at night or anything. Girls are different, Halle decided that she was ready at 20 months and we didn't have very many accidents. I am sorry. Just let him go pee on the trees outside, in your backyard. I don't understand it, but apparently it is a boy thing. Hang in there. You are a good mom. It is only normal to feel frustration.