For FHE on Monday we decided to take the kids to Santa and also see the lights and Nativity at the temple. Both Kaden and Maddie were excited to see Santa and tell him what they wanted for Christmas until it was are turn and then as usual Maddie freaked out and wouldn't go. Richard did manage to snap a silly picture from the side lines.
The temple was so awesome. I love going and seeing the temple during the holidays, the lights just add to the beauty of it. And I love the little nativity presentation that they do. It really helps bring in the spirit and reminds us of the true meaning of Christmas. The kids loved it. They didn't want to leave!
Friday, December 23, 2011
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Christmas Fun
This past week the kids and I have been having lots of fun getting ready for the holidays!
Making our gingerbread house
Playing with Braxton
Even Laila helped make cookies;)
They had so much fun making cookies and insisted that we take them to the neighbor.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Kaden and Jackson
3 cute kiddos!!
Jackson and Adriana
Richard and Laila
Getting cozy & watching a movie
Waiting for Twilight to start...
We had Thanksgiving with Richards family this year. Robyn and Kathy were great hosts. The food was awesome and as usual I ate to much. The weekend busy but so much fun!
A little Picnic
A couple of weeks ago the weather was nice so we decided to go on a little family picnic. It was Lailas first one and she did great! What beats hot dogs on a camp fire right?!
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Our cute little Trick-or-Treaters!!!
Rapunzel aka Maddie...she wouldn't respond unless we call her Rapunzel
Little Laila Kitty(can't get picture to turn...please help)
Showing Grandma Schaefermeyer their candy
Visiting Great Grandma totally made her day!
For Halloween we went out to Bunkerville for the trunk or treat. Maddie was so excited to get dressed up, Kaden...not so much he could care less. Laila slept the entire time. The kids had a great time.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
3 weeks old
Little Laila is 3 weeks old and we can't imagine life without her. (Well maybe the sleeping part ;) Really though she has been such a good baby. She LOVES to eat so I feel like I spend my life in the rocking chair and the house is in shambles but, the good new is that I get to cuddle the cutest baby girl ever. Kaden and Maddie still can't get enough of her and of coarse she has her Daddy wrapped around her little finger.
Proud big brother with his new cheezer!
Maddie would hold her all day if I would let her.
Laila's first Sunday at church
Friday, October 7, 2011
Our Sweet Baby Girl!
Sweet little Laila was born on Wednesday afternoon. We got situated at the hospital at around 8:30am and she was born at 3:20pm so things went pretty smoothly. She weighed 7lbs and was 19 inches long my smallest baby by 2lbs. I was really surprised when they told me what she weighed. She already seems to be a really good baby and is getting LOTS of love from her older siblings. It is not only a blessing but so fun having a new baby in our home, she is SO sweet!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Labor Day Weekend
For Labor Day weekend we went to Nay's Ranch for the "Little" Bundy Reunion. Richards parents offered to let us take their trailer and who could say not to that. It was really nice to have a bathroom and shower! The kids had so much fun playing with their cousins. It was kind of a small year but we still had fun. On Sunday we even had a baptism and blessing. It was so nice to be in the mountains and feel the spirit. We really missed everyone that didn't come this year!

The kids were so excited to have the trailer
Our view after the 4 wheeler ride
Swimming in the Pond....
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